
Belgorod is the educational center of the region

Belgorod region today is one of the most dynamic, fastest-growing regions in the Russian Federation boasting strong educational capabilities. A lot of universities, colleges and schools can help you to develop your skills, to bring your talents to light, to become successful and highly qualified specialists in the spheres of science, culture and arts.

Integration experience of Belgorod State National Research University into innovation System of Belgorod region

Integration experience of Belgorod State National Research University

Belgorod State National Research University is one of the leading Russian universities, with its integration into innovation system of Belgorod region by expansion of the range of education and research services and by realization of innovative projects for the region.

International cooperation of the Belgorod State Technological University

The Belgorod State Technological University

The international forum "Peculiarities of training of foreign experts in the modern condition” was held on February 17, 2016.

Project “Path of power”

The flagship project of Belgorod State Technological University «Path of Power» will be extended to the regional level.

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