
Belgorod region is a highly developed industrial-agrarian area with vast mineral resources and the unique black soil areas

The Belgorod region is a highly developed industrial-agrarian region, whose economy relies on its enormous wealth of mineral resources and the unique black soils. It plays a significant role in the producing of several types of industrial products: iron stone mining, production of rolled ferrous metal products, cement, slate. Agricultural leading industries are dairy and meat production, pig farming, corn, sugar beet and sunflower growing.

Investor’s Guide to the Belgorod Region

Investor’s Guide to the Belgorod Region

The Belgorod Region today is one of the most dynamic, fastest-growing regions in the Russian Federation with a diversified economic structure.

Razvitie Corporation
Founded: 2006

Razvitie Corporation

Corporation of development is a regional development institution. It is engaged in attracting investments to the region, development of priority directions in the regional economy, maintenance of investment projects in supervised areas.

Read more about Razvitie Corporation

Belgorod region ratings

About region

Belgorod Region Passport

Investment strategy

Investment climate

Investment offers

Financial support

Investment fields

Impact assessment



Kin Estate and Individual House Construction Programs in Belgorod
Japanese delegation in Belgorod

Kin Estate and Individual House Construction Programs in Belgorod

A Japanese delegation of eleven members visited several Kin Estates in Belgorod region. The main objectives of this visit were to learn from the Russian head-starters how they had been constructing and designing their Kin Estates, and to obtain ideas how to start Kin Estates in Japan

Innovation Potential of Belgorod Region

A full-scale socio-economic research of innovative potential of the Belgorod region has shown that innovations are extremely important for successful development of the region

Belgorod's Miracle: State Owned Land and a Society Based on Solidarity

Rural life

Belgorod takes the leading positions in different spheres of economics, industry, agriculture, it is one of the most intensively developing regions of Russia

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